Sunday, July 17, 2011

napa part deux - inspiring photos

here are a few photos from our trip to the santa cruz and napa areas over the 4th of July weekend.  will framing these be my next diy project?

this is my favorite photo from the whole trip. it captures the afternoon light amazingly well. we probably trespassed to get the picture, but it was so magical, we couldn't resist!

another one of my faves.  you'd never know it was feels so vintagey with the fog shrouding the Santa Cruz pier and amusement park.  it was actually bright and sunny behind us.

i love these jumbo orange starfish under the Santa Cruz pier.  they seem to be enjoying themselves...

a bunch of fishing (or maybe lifeguarding?) boats lined up on the pier. how could i say 'no' to those colors?

i saw a photo similar to this one on Pinterest and set out on my photo safari.  fortunately, the cable cars were still there glowing in their candy-coated brilliance!

palm tree + roller coaster = awesome.

mama sea lion + baby sea lions = awesomer.  (love the dark teal color of the water...i need to look into a Benjamin Moore match for that one!)

i left my heart (behind that cute secret door) in San Francisco.

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